Monday, March 29, 2010

Passion Week

The more I have been reading, studying and preparing for this passion week, I am more convinced than ever before that we as Christians say some really dumb things. I know I do all the time but one that I have been convicted about is the phrase, "It's been a really bad day". Really! Are you sure about that reverend? Would you like to compare your bad day with our Lord and Savior's bad day.

My favorite book during this season has always been Charles Swindoll's "The Darkness and The Dawn: Empowered by the Tragedy and Triumph of the Cross". It is an older book but still has power and ministers to me. The chronology of Jesus' bad day is powerful in the sense that all of what we preach about, for the most part happened in less than 24 hours.

Prayer and agony at Gethsemane 1:00am
Betrayal By Judas and Jesus' arrest 1:30am
Unauthorized inquiry at Annas' residence 2:00am
Unofficial trial at Caiaphas' residence 3:00am
Formal Sanhedrin trial( Mk 15:1, Lk 22:66-71) 6:00am
Pilate's interrogation 6:30am
Mockery before Herod (Lk 23:8-12) 7:00am
Final judgement of Pilate 7:30am
Scourging in Praetorian 8:00am
Nailing of Hands and feet to the Cross 9:00am
Darkness 12:00 Noon
Death of Jesus

In less than 24 hours, Jesus goes from arrest to execution

Now, you were saying about your bad day?!



Rev. Barney said...

Just when I thought you had said it all!!! Excellent post. I have already added it to my file. Bless you my brother.

Ronald said...

How do you spell conviction? Thanks Pastor for putting my day in perspective.

Keeping Preaching/Teaching
