The business world has found a new way to make money, it is called Service Fees. It is something that the business passes on to the consumer in addition to the price of its original product. There was a time that what you paid for covered what you bought but in this new economy thirsty for a shot of new revenue, service fees have been an oasis in the desert.
There once was a time when you flew on a airplane, your bags went with you up to a certain number and weight; however, one day some bright person said, "Let's charge the consumer more money for taking luggage" and a new revenue stream was formed.
There once was a time you could rent a car and expect that if you had a flat tire, needed roadside assistance or had encountered a locked out situation, the company would send help in your time of need. Now, in this service based fees system, they ask you at the time of rental, "Would you like for three dollars more a day to purchase roadside assistance for your assurance". I thought I paid for that with the purchase of the rental agreement.
There once was a time you could go to a hotel chain and secure yourself an elegant room. It would be equipped with all the trappings of home for only a fraction of your mortgage payment. However, in this service based world, this same hotel will charge you to use the phone, to drink the water they provide or charge you to use the Internet.
This cycle can go on and on from travel agents adding a fee to use their services, a cable company charging you for pay-per-view movies or a college charging you a library fee on top of the tuition you have already paid. I am so glad Jesus isn't like this. When He died on the cross, HE PAID IT ALL.
Jesus doesn't come back and tell us my death on the cross only cover liars and deceivers but it will cost extra for me to convert murderers and adulterers. He doesn't add a fee so we can receive his provisions or his power. He doesn't tell us it will cost extra for me to give you oxygen, light and food. His death paid for it all.
I am so glad with Jesus, it is paid and paid in full. Thank God for No Hidden Fees!
Why Does the Bible Say Baptism Saves Us?
8 hours ago
Give Him for praise that once was enough!
Preach Pastor Owens
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