Sunday, March 6, 2011

2011 Spring Trust God Sunday

Words cannot describe how wonderful our service was today, and really for the past 6 to 8 weeks. It is simply amazing how God is moving in Macedonia. We still have our issues, the devil is still roaring and this week was the worst week I have ever experienced as a Pastor. The attacks have been both personal and public but somehow it didn't defeat me but rather it just gave me more fuel to run on a little while longer.

Trust God Sunday for the Macedonia church is the day where we commit to 100% tithing in our church. We ask people to do three things.

1. If you are not already a tither, we ask that you would pray that God would lead you into becoming a giver on this day. Take God's Challenge in Malachi 3:10:

"Test me in this" NIV
"Prove me Now"KJV
"Try me now in this"NKJV
"Put me to the Test"ESV
"I Challenge You to put me to the test"CEV

2. If you are already a tither, we ask on this Sunday for you to bring your tithe, we also ask that you would bring a Sacrificial offering on top of your tithe so that you can feel the same burden as your fellow member who is giving for the first time. We don't ask for an amount because what is a sacrifice in one house may not be in another.

3. We asked every member to pray that God would give us something to give and then that we would be obedient in our giving. We have been praying for 6 weeks for this day. We usually pray the Month of February.

The music ministry under the direction of Minister Javon Lewis had church jumping from the opening praise song. The choir loft is over my office so when I heard them start stomping and jumping, I ran upstairs to get me some of that. They have made preaching so easy for me over these past few weeks, I cannot explain.

The choir was trying to get me to sing with them but I was fighting that off; however after they finished the church went into "Yes Lord" and for some reason(God) Javon went into "I will trust in the Lord" right after that and that's all she wrote. Let me tell you a good hymn will still destroy a church and a preacher. That makes two weeks in a row, I have been singing before I preach. I am going to the doctor as I don't sing unless I am sick or the Spirit is really high.

We preached on Proverbs 3:5-6 and encouraged the members to:

Trust God ENTIRELY vs 5a "with all your heart"
Trust God EXCLUSIVELY vs 5b "Do not lean until thy own understanding"
Trust God EXTENSIVELY vs 6a "In all thy ways acknowledge him"

God blessed the sermon and our 2011 Spring Trust God Sunday. Through people committing to God, we took up today what we normally take up for a month. TO GOD BE THE GLORY.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I go to a Methodist church. We are trying to have a spiritual revival. I think things maybe getting better but it is slow.
Do you have any advice I could pass on to our pastor.