Wednesday, January 26, 2011

I want to say Thank You

A party of pioneers on the Oregon Trail suffered for weeks from a scarcity of water and grass for their animals. Most of the wagons had broken down, causing endless delays in the stifling heat. A feeling of fretfulness and futility prevailed. Optimism and cheer were gone. Courage was in limited supply.

One night the leaders called a meeting to air complaints. When they gathered around the campfire, one man stood up and said, "Before we commence our grief session, don't you think we should at least first thank God that he has brought us this far with no loss of life, with no serious trouble from the Indians, and that we have enough strength left to finish our journey?"

The other settlers agreed. After the brief prayer, all that could be heard were the cries of a distant pack of wolves. There was otherwise stone silence around the campfire, because no one had any grievances they felt were important enough to voice.

They suddenly realized if they couldn't be satisfied with what they'd received, they could at least be thankful for what they'd escaped. Thankfulness enabled them to see the mercies of God they had been overlooking.

I wanted to say "thank you" to all of the people who prayed, texted, called, checked on, bossed, fussed, cooked and nursed me back to health. I had the blessing of the flu and a middle ear infection that lasted over 11 days. Preached two Sundays sick, taught Bible Studies at less than 100%, but the Lord blessed. I write this because this story made me realize all the while I had been mad, I am sick, I am dizzy, I don't feel good etc, as I got my list out to complain, I was struck by God to remember all the things he kept me from.

I have been dizzy for 11 days, moments that caused me to sit down until I regained my balance, but I never fell! I didn't wind up in a ditch while driving, didn't kill myself on the highway, I didn't fall down or up the stairs at my house, because God let me escape. When I realize all the things that could have happened to me and how close danger was to me but God made me sick enough to force me, to drive me to a bed, to sleep for four days, where God's angels at Macedonia, In Oklahoma, In Peoria, In Georgia, In California, In Texas, started praying because I couldn't even pray for myself. God let me escape.

It is said that in Africa there is a fruit called the "taste berry," because it changes a person's taste so that everything eaten tastes sweet and pleasant. Sour fruit, even if eaten several hours after the "taste berry," becomes sweet and delicious. Gratitude is the "taste berry" of Christianity, and when our hearts are filled with gratitude, nothing that God sends us seems unpleasant to us. Sorrowing heart, sweeten your grief with gratitude. Burdened soul, lighten your burden by singing God's praises. Disappointed one, dispel your loneliness by making others grateful.


Anonymous said...

Stop it Owens!!!!!
Glad you are back to good health.

Stay encouraged brother,


Rev. Barney said...

I am so thankful to know that you are doing well my brother. Unthankfulness keeps us wandering in the wilderness of life. "O that men would praise the Lord for His goodness, and for His wonderful works to the children of men!!" Ps. 107:8,15,21,31. Run on to see what the end will be.

Pastor Lance A. Mann said...

Glad you are doing better Owens!!! Praying for your continued health. I am mad I missed "the TRIP" LOL
