Tuesday, February 19, 2013

The ABC's of Prayer

As most things happen in our studying, we discover one nugget while trying to unearth another gem! I ran across this preparing for something else so in order to commit this to memory, I will share this with the blog while trying to apply this to my life. Hope this helps! Owens

There was a little boy who was saying his prayers one night when his father walked in and heard him praying. The father heard his son saying his ABC’s. The father asked him why he was saying his ABC’s and he said he did not know much about praying so he figured that if he would say his ABC’s God would grant him what he needed under each alphabet.

A- Assurance
B- Bounty
C- Courage
D- Deliverance
E- Encouragement
F- Faith
G- Grace
H- Health
I- Influence
J- Joy
K- Kindness
L- Love
M- Miracles
N- Nourishment
O- Obedience
P- Power
Q- Quality
R- Restoration
S- Safekeeping
T- Thanksgiving
U- Understanding
V- Victory
W- Will Of God
X- Those Things I Need I Cannot Write
Y- Years To Serve My Master
Z- Zeal To Serve My Master

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