Monday, April 25, 2011

67th BMA Revival Services in OKC

I am honored to be in Oklahoma City this week participating in the longest running simultaneous revival in the nation, the 67th Baptist Minister's Association revival of Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.

I am the guest revivalist for The New Hope Baptist Church whose pastor is the Rev. Dr. E.J.Tyson. This is my third year sharing with this pastor and people.

I am doubly honored as this year not only do I get the privilege of preaching to the wonderful people at New Hope but I also get the opportunity to preach the opening message for the noonday services which are held Tuesday thru Friday. There always has to be a sacrificial lamb for the slaughter and so is the case.

I find myself in a unique position this year as I am in need of a revival. So much attack has happened to my mind and ministry as of late, I certainly need to hear from God in these services and as He speaks to me, I pray the people of New Hope will hear God speak to them as well.

Please pray for us during these revival services.


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