Sunday, December 26, 2010

Release Your Past

How I Got Over! How I got Over! My Soul Looks back and wonders How I Got Over! I wanna Thank Him because He brought me, I wanna thank Him because He taught me, I wanna thank Him because He kept me, I wanna Thank Him because He never left me. I gonna sing Hallelujah, I gonna shout troubles over, I gonna thank God for being so good to me.

Whatever version you sing or singer you listen to, Mahalia, Aretha or Vickie the words are still powerful and inspiring. On this last Sunday of the year, I can not help but look back on what God has done for me in 2010. I realize that we have been trained that this song is to be sung when we cross over to the other side but I realized this song can be sung now because it is a song of reflection and remembrance.

Time and vocabulary limit me from saying all I could say about how good God has been to me this year so I brought a witness. His name is Joseph. The dreamer who saw his future but didn't understand all of what he saw. The boy that was cast in a pit, sold for a profit, was accosted by the first "Cougar" in the Bible, Potiphar's wife, thrown into prison but ultimately was elevated next to Pharaoh. Joseph can tell us How to make it Over.

Joseph tells us the first thing we need to do in order to make it over is to RELEASE YOUR PAST. Some people can never move into the future because they are held hostage by their past, what happened to them, who lied on them, who mistreated them. Every time they see the person they review and remember so instead of releasing their past, they REHEARSE THEIR PAIN. They live life as a perpetual victim instead of the promised victor.

No one would have been angry with Joseph if he told his brothers off. It would be expected. After all, they plotted against him. After all, the cast him in a pit, they sold him for a profit. But Joseph doesn't do this, instead he Releases His past. He says, "God did this, and not you. He sent me ahead of you to preserve you, to secure a remnant".

In saying this, Joseph is no longer the Victim but rather he is the Victor. Someone reading this needs to Release their Past. All of us have family that mistreated us; people who have lied on us; acquaintances who ate and drank in our presence while we had nothing, but God allowed this to happen, not to destroy us but to develop us.

When you have become free from you past, you live in that freedom. Have you ever met someone who describes to you something that happened to them? In their description, their breathing changes, their voice becomes elevated, the color either leaves or changes in their faces. You can tell they have become disturbed. The amazing part of this is they are describing something that happened 10 years ago but because they have never let it go, it sounds like it just happened yesterday.

When they see the person, they walk the other direction, frown up, become upset, even leave church, because they are still the Victim. They make future relationships pay for past ones. They refuse to accept future blessing because of past disappointments but God wants us to follow Joseph's example and free ourselves into victory by releasing our past.

I have written too much and hopefully will synthesize this by the time I preach it as this is just the first point but I leave the blog with this: Look at you body. All of us have a scar! Somewhere! There is a place where we fell, were struck or cut, scratched or scraped that left evidence.

When you point to the scar, you remember the story. You remember what happened. You remembered you cried, the blood, etc. However, what you can not remember is the Pain. You remember there was pain, but somehow the pain of the event is gone. If it wasn't then every time you remembered the event, you would cry, but the pain is gone.

That's what God does for us when we RELEASE OUR PAST. We remember the event, we remember the experience but we live in the Emancipation FROM the event. We are no longer a VICTIM TO but rather we are VICTORS FROM.

Yes, we have scars, yes we have wounds, yes we have evidence of battles, scrapes and dust-ups but God has freed us. Now our scars are our testimony, I am free, You meant to kill me, you tried to destroy, the scar is the proof you meant it for my evil but God meant it for my good.

I am going to the pulpit and pray this works out but I am shouting because God just gave me something that I didn't write. FOR ALL MY SCARS GOD HAS GIVE ME SOMETHING BETTER THAN COCOA BUTTER, I AM COVERED BY HIS BLOOD.




Rev. Barney said...

I know the body of Christ was blessed by this word!!!!I am right now.

Anonymous said...

It is amazing how i have blamed everyone else for my challenges,struggles,and failure.It is embarrasing to remember how I have attacked others because I couldn't truly see myself.All the difficulties that I recently faced were designed to bring me to a central truth in my life.This truth is that I need to change,and it take pressure to change my character.I thought I was fine and that my faults weren't so bad. It took GOD, to burst open my heart and unveil my eyes so that I could have a clear mind.This test was positioned in my way to carry me closer to the true me and bring me closer to my greater self.

Thus my heart wa grieved,and I wa pricked in my reins.So foolih was I,and ignorant:I was as a beast Thee.Nevertheless I am continually with Thee:Thou hast holden me by my right hand.Thou shalt guide me with Thy counsel,and afterward receive me to (GLORY).AMEN

Samantha Owens said...

I don't have to go far, search hard,or look long to find immediate,gratification,appeasement,comfort and satisfaction for my flesh and carnal deires.Food everywhere,sex-any and everywhere,and ego in the air.How am I to resist these luring temptations and live a godly,sober,fulfilled life with moderation ?My sister and brother think that illict sex is a vice. But gossip,lying,disloyalty, and talebearing are also carnal.It is easy to embrace these practices,because they can become so irresistible.I believe that nothing should rule me or control me,especially the expense of my relationship with the LORD.Please let me look at the prize,which is a life of peace,fulfillment,contentment,and complteness in your love and care.I probably will not say these word to you when Iam overtaken with my passion for self-gratification.I am saying them now,however,so that these words will prevail for me in my moment of weakness.
Give me the grace to stay focused and find the joy in your wisdom and purpose for my life.