Monday, April 6, 2009

Death Died

Praise God for showing Himself mighty within the Macedonia Church on Sunday. We had a great time in the Lord. I thank God for our minister of music, Brother Jovan Lewis because from the opening song until the closing benediction, the music department was right where they should have been. The choir started singing "The Blood" and Church went under, folk running down the aisles, into the basement, almost called one of my South Bend boys to come over and preach for me, church had gotten too hot for my skill set of preaching but God had mercy on me.

I should have been traditional and just did a Palm Sunday message but first off God didn't give that to me and secondly, my messages for next week are already locked in working with the ministries of the church so The Lord allowed us to be simple and preach I Corinthians 15: 53-57, The Day Death Died, When Jesus Got up, Death Died.

A. Rudyard Kipling, "The Jungle Book: Mowgli" has a story in it where the man cub asks the animals what is the most feared thing in the jungle. He is told that when two animals meet on a narrow path that one must step aside and let the other pass. The animal that steps aside for no one would then be the most feared. Mowgli asks, What Kind of animal would that be? Elephant? Lion? Finally, a wise owl says, "The most feared animal in the jungle is DEATH! It steps aside for no one".

Death has been a bad boy for a long time. Whenever Death would encounter someone in the path, Death never moved. Death Didn't move for Abraham, Moses, Joshua, Death didn't move for Muhammad, Buddha or Confucius. However, one day Death met Jesus along the path and Death stepped aside.
Jesus Robbed Death of Its Power
Jesus Removed from Death Its Proof
Jesus Received from Death God's People
In 1809, Simon Renee Braille and his wife Monique welcomed their fourth child into the world-- a lively boy named Louis. They lived in a small stone house near Paris where Braille was the local harness maker. Leather working tools are dangerous, so the toddler had been instructed not to go into his father's shop alone. One day, Little Louis snuck in dad's shop and became enthralled with one of dad's sharp instruments named an awl that was used to punch holes in the leather.

While played with this instrument, Little Louis slipped and fell and punctured his eye. The injured eye became infected. Since Little Louis could not stop rubbing his eyes, soon his other eye became infected as well until Little Louis was blind in both eyes.
Louis was fortunate enough to study at the Royal Institution for Blind Youth in Paris. He excelled as an organist, and at twelve years old began asking the question “How can the blind read?”
One summer break, Louis went back into his dad's shop and found that same awl. He realized that same awl could make raised dots like the ones he had seen from the French called "night writing"

He created a system of reading for the blind called Braille. The same instrument that caused the destruction of his vision was now the same instrument that would deliver many others into a world of reading. That's what Jesus did at Calvary.

Death no longer destroys but rather Death Delivers us back to our Daddy. The Bible says it better than i can, I run on this, Death is swallowed up in victory, O Death, where is thy sting, O grave where is they victory!!

Death has been defeated, NOW GO RUN AND TELL THAT



Unknown said...

Pastor....Pastor....the title and the illustration have me considering turning my license back in....OMG.....Ray....what has gotten in to you.....Preacher....

Galilee may just hear both sermon title and illustration and you get no credit for

Outstanding doctor....

Tony R.

Pastor Lance A. Mann said...

Outstanding exposition and a great sermon topic. You continue to show us great sermon building skills. You are definitely the son of Arthur Glenn Woodberry.


Ronald said...

My, my, my... take that silly grin off your face. You have more sermons to right. lol

Pastor your homiletical teeth are sharp. Keep reading, writing , praying and preaching there is no telling what God is going to do through you and the people you serve.

Keep Running,

Keith D. Witherspoon said...


I'm on my way to run and tell that!!! Great post my brother and i applaud your commitment to preaching.