I am enjoying myself thoroughly in Houston at our National Baptist Congress of Christian Education Convention USA Inc. fellowshipping with fellow Pastors, preachers and parishioners from all over the United States as we try and learn more about the ideas and implementation of increasing Christian education in our local churches.
Admittedly, I must always come to these conventions reminding myself not to be a Pharisee. A Pharisee believes he already knows everything about a topic; is the expert on the subject; smarter than the presenter, etc. We can always learn something from someone else; there might be differences because of regions or resources but we all have the same Redeemer and his name is Jesus Christ. Three ways I remind myself not to be a Pharisee at events like this:
Rule #1 Don't Be To Critical! I must remind myself of the words of St. Augustine, "In things that are essential, Let there be unity, in things that are not essential, Let there be liberty but in ALL THINGS LET THERE BE LOVE. If we are not careful we can develop a pharisee mentality becoming critical over issues that in the larger scheme of Heaven and Hell simply do not matter. Matthew 12:1-2 and Matthew 15:1-2 are great examples of thus, "Why do you break the Sabbath", "Why don't you wash your hands like the elders"?
Many of our churches are developing pharisees not disciples because we are teaching them how to be critical over issues that in the larger spectrum don't matter. Do you watch R-rated movies? Do you believe dancing is OK for Christians to do? Do you believe in women preachers? How does your Pastor administer the Lord's Supper? Does your Pastor Baptize you in the name of Jesus or "Father, Son, and the Holy Ghost" These are all man-made, man-kept rules that do more to divide than they do to unite.
Rule #2 "Don't Be Jealous of Another Person's Gift". If we are not careful, we run the risk of walking the steps of Cain. Cain taught us the dangerous, downward and destructive steps that became the precursor for the movements of the Pharisees later in life. These steps are Jealousy, Hatred and Murder. It is a progression and one step leads to another. It is amazing to me how many jealous pastors attend these conventions not to help a fellow brother proclaim the Word but rather to hopefully watch a "late night death" or criticize the sermon or the minister thereof.
If the Lord has not blessed you with the gift of "closing", don't be jealous of closers by saying"It doesn't take all of that", well maybe not for your gift but you don't know what it took for the other man to get what the Lord gave him. Some preachers have the innate ability to make the profound sound so simple while others can take simple sentences and through structure and vocabulary develop a tapestry of mental images that make the Word live within the lives of the congregant. A jealous preacher will call that minister wordy publicly while privately wishing they can do the same and as they see the crowd gravitating to the speaker, they commit the same sin the Pharisees did, Jealousy, Hatred and Murder. Find your gift, Use your gift, Be Satisfied with your gift and your gift will make room for you.
Rule #3, God has other vessels than just you. The greatest thing I glean from conventions settings like this is all of the people from all over the nation who are on God's Front-Line fighting the same battle I am fighting. Different churches, different cities, different methods, but the same message, JESUS CHRIST AND HIM CRUCIFIED. I am just grateful God choose to use me. Being around so many gifted people, I am tempted to say I am out of my league. God doesn't need my little one gift when He has so many "Five gifted preachers", the complete packages but God still uses me. Sometimes it is great to be humbled to the point to where you realize, "Man you ain't all that"! God has preachers everywhere and somehow that lesson is the most encouraging to me this Tuesday of the convention.
Keep Running,
How Mom Disciples a Newborn
11 hours ago