One day the chaplain had to have a conversation with a student who was struggling with adapting to college life so he went to the student's class. It was the professor's class. As the chaplain walked in, the professor wrote on the board in big bold letters his new hypothesis:
When he wrote it, he defied the chaplain to prove it was not true. The chaplain looked. He pondered. He prayed. The professor bellowed louder. I dare you to prove that what I have written on the board is not true. The chaplain looked again:
The chaplain opened his mouth and said, I agree with what the board says! The professor and the class was dumbfounded. The professor began to celebrate about the chaplains conversion to his side by saying, I am glad you finally agree that God is Nowhere. The chaplain said, I never said that!GOD IS NOWHERE
Wait a minute, said the professor, you said you agreed with what was written on the board. The chaplain screamed out I DO but I don't read it like you do. I see it differently. You see:
The professor screamed that's not what the board says, there is no space in between the words and the chaplain smiled and said, FAITH FINDS THE SPACE.There are times when it seems like GOD IS NOWHERE. Haiti! Mudslides in California! Economic collapse on wall street?! Where is God? Science says GOD IS NOWHERE, Circumstances cry out GOD IS NOWHERE and sometimes the flesh side of us wants to say GOD IS NOWHERE but FAITH FINDS THE SPACE.
It makes no sense scientifically, but I see God and can say GOD IS NOW HERE. Cancer has a man down, but through Faith I still see how the man will rise again. GOD IS NOW HERE, "Sugar", Hypertension, Depression have a man defeated but through Faith, I see a man who can and will live in victory. Faith Finds the Space.
One man looks at Haiti and sees the judgement or the curse of God but another can look at Haiti and see the grace of God in action. Where? Faith Finds the Space.
Keep Looking, Keep searching, Keep striving. Faith is not looking blindly at your situation, nor is it looking at a situation and suddenly the facts change; but Faith is looking at the problem but seeing the provider. It is Finding a Space. GOD IS NOW HERE.
1 Faith means being sure of the things we hope for and knowing that something is real even if we do not see it.( NCV)
1Faith makes us sure of what we hope for and gives us proof of what we cannot see. (CEV)
Keep Running, GOD IS NOW HERE